Computational ressources

The ELE group relies heavily on robust computing resources for various projects involving simulation and data analysis. Alongside other ETH groups, we can access multiple high-end computing resources with numerous hardware configurations


Euler is a high-performance cluster available to all ETH groups and managed by the High-Performance Computing (HPC) team. This cluster comprises over a thousand compute nodes, each equipped with multiple CPUs, and an array of nearly 2000 GPUs. Euler leverages the Slurm workload manager to efficiently allocate resources and prevent conflicts, ensuring seamless user experience. Its high computational power makes it the perfect tool to generate simulations with demanding mechanistic models such as Gen3sis. For more detailed information, please visit Euler's wiki.


Additionally, the ELE group collaborates with the Forest Ecology Group to maintain a dedicated server equipped with 8 Titan RTX GPUs, high memory and storage capacities. Our workflow centers around the containerization of bioinformatic pipelines into Docker images, simplifying data processing for our group members. The GPUs present on this server also play an important role for the development and application of Deep Learning approaches across various domains, including species distribution modeling and eDNA analysis.


The Renku platform managed by the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) offers both computing resources and a user-friendly web interface. This platform is designed with a strong emphasis on reproducibility, standardization and efficient data management. With its intuitive interface, Renku's features make it the ideal platform for teaching, and it is primarily utilized for the Environmental Systems Data Science course, overseen by the ELE group. For additional details, please visit external pageRenku's website.

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